5 Important Considerations
When Choosing Billboard Locations

5 Important Considerations When Choosing Billboard Locations

If you want your billboard advertising to have maximum impact, it helps to choose sites that will generate sales. Location is one of the primary considerations. Most people focus only on the traffic rates at particular sites, but there are other factors to consider as well when choosing billboard locations.

  1. Site visibility: Not all high traffic sites are highly visible! You have to ensure that the board is set at the right distance for maximum visibility. The board also has to be placed at a height that is readable and angled in order to increase visual impact. Other visible interferences, such as additional billboards or a backdrop with a lot of busy advertising can detract from the visibility of your board. Choose a location where your board stands against a calm backdrop and is the only billboard on that site.
  2. Demographics: It is possible to target specific markets by strategically placing your billboard advertising where it is exposed to your target demographic on a constant basis. For instance, if you run a fashion forward, modern clothing store, placing your billboard near universities or other areas of study will have a greater impact than if you placed it next to an industrial area. It is of course essential that you fully understand your target market in order to identify the most suitable locations where they can be targeted.
  3. Proximity: If you place your billboard closer to your business premises you will have greater success in driving traffic towards your business. There is no point is setting up a billboard for a business which is located 50km away. For instance, if you run a fast food outlet, set up your billboards where they are visible to oncoming traffic that will pass your business. This may encourage people to drive into your premises instead of passing it. See it as a visible reminder that the business is there, and stimulate hunger with attractive images. Billboards can also be used to direct, e.g. a billboard with an attractive food image and your logo, with an arrow pointing in the direction of your shop. The text can read something like “Bob’s Burgers – 1km”.
  4. Commercial or residential sites: Again you have to know your target audience very well. If you work in a B2B environment, setting up in industrial sites may be best. If you are targeting individuals or households, however, there is no use setting up a billboard in an industrial area.
  5. Slow areas: During rush hour there are often points where traffic slows down considerably, such as stop streets, crossings, roundabouts and traffic lights. While they sit in traffic at these points they have more time to observe your billboard and to absorb information. Targeting these slow areas can generate a lot of sales!

Now that you have a better idea of where to place your billboards, consult with our team at Face First Media to find your perfect spot. We have access to highly desirable billboard locations, and will help you to target your specific audience to optimise your advertising investment.