The Distinctive Differences
Between OOH and DOOH

Much has been written about DOOH and OOH lately. The question is often what the distinctive differences between the two are, and which of these to choose for your outdoor advertising campaign. Firstly, before DOOH, we had OOH. OOH stands for Out of Home advertising. This includes mostly static billboards that are stationed in areas and locations where they can draw the most attention to the people who matter. The images are usually printed and displayed on huge billboards and remain there until the advertising campaign or contract is over. OOH is largely focused on capturing the attention of people who traverse the same route on roads, walking in the same areas and locations where a particular business is operating. OOH billboards, however, cannot be updated or changed as often as DOOH, because it requires a large format print, and someone to practically set up the billboard with a new visual image.

DOOH indicates a shift to Digitised Out of Home advertising, and new technology has brought along a whole new era of outdoor advertising for commercial purposes. These “billboards” display electronic images that can move (much like television or online advertising), and it is possible to interact with users on digital platforms. Advertisers can also share these boards, which means that messages on DOOH can be displayed at different times by different advertisers to hone in on their target markets. For instance, in the morning commute, messages can be displayed that advertise products to high-income commuters, while during mid-morning other advertising media can be displayed that may appeal to homemakers and stay at home parents. During lunchtimes, advertising for restaurants and special food promotions can be displayed. This flexibility in advertising allows the same board, on the same location, to capture different markets at different times of the day.

OOH remains relevant and is overall cheaper than DOOH. It also delivers a constant message over time which increases retention and consumer loyalty. DOOH is more expensive but can be highly versatile, as it can be combined with various online platforms during a single advertising campaign. They can also be interactive and prompt people to respond online to a question, breaking news, a booking, or a promotion, or even to leave feedback on the advertisement displayed.

DOOH advertising, as a result, can provide feedback on the target market and the types of users it attracts through its campaigns. It is dynamic and flexible, and interesting to watch. Often cameras or CCTV are also built into these dynamic billboards to measure consumer behaviour and to gauge audience numbers. It can therefore provide a more accurate reflection on the ultimate success of the campaign and user numbers.

If you are keen to find out which advertising media would be best suited to your campaign or company, speak to our customer service consultants at Face First Media as soon as possible, and we will ensure that you get the best value for your money!