How To Use Billboards To Ride The Current Events Wave

In an ever-changing advertising landscape, staying relevant and keeping your audience engaged can be tricky. One way you can do this on an ongoing basis is to take advantage of current events. In this way, you can find ways to inject freshness and relatability into your advertising campaign.

Let us look at how businesses can ride the wave of current events to optimise their outdoor advertising spend, specifically through billboard advertising.

Plan Ahead: Timing Is Crucial

It is crucial to plan ahead to ensure you can secure the specific locations needed to maximise the impact of your display advert. The sites will be essential to the success of this campaign by putting the information in front of the right target audience.

This fine balancing act is linked to keeping informed on what is happening in your industry and your organisation so you can identify these opportunities as early as possible yet still be current.

As this time of advertising has an “expiry date”, you should plan to build a sense of urgency and encourage immediate action. Consider offering limited-time promotions or discounts related to the current event. This can be a powerful incentive for potential customers.

Relevance To Your Business And Your Audience

Not every current event is suitable for pairing with your business offering. Your choice of events to align yourself with must be relevant to your brand, products, services and, most importantly, your customers or potential customers. 

You must ensure that the events you pick align with your business strategy and the message you wish to convey. Proceed with caution when choosing events that are sensitive and controversial. 

Focus On The Design

As with all types of outdoor advertising, sticking to these essential principles will boost the effectiveness of your event advertising:

  • Straightforward, simple design that is easy to read, including the event details.
  • Eye-catching images, colours, fonts and text.
  • Alignment to your brand. 
  • A clear call to action so your customer knows what to do next (buy a ticket, register online, visit an online store, etc.). Something that encourages immediate action so they don’t miss out.

Contact Face First Media today to discover how our expertise can bring your outdoor advertising to life with timely and impactful billboard advertising campaigns that ride the current event’s wave.

In times of economic uncertainty, many businesses find themselves at a crossroads, trying to choose the best way to navigate the uncertain times ahead and put themselves on the road to economic recovery.

There might be talk of slashing the advertising budget, but research shows this generally does more harm than good. One valuable solution that stands out in uncertain times is the use of out of home advertising (OOH). 

This blog will explain why businesses should persist with advertising, particularly OOH, during an economic downturn.

Wide Reach

Outdoor advertising can reach a broad sector of your target audience. Adverting options such as the following are an excellent way to convey your message to the largest cross-section of potential customers:

  • Billboards (static, digital and mobile)
  • Point-of-sale displays
  • Transit advertising (for example, on buses)
  • Shopping mall advertising (external and internal)
  • Restroom advertising
  • Event sponsorship

Cost Efficiencies

As we know, advertising can take a big bite out of our marketing budget, so it is a good idea to work smart during challenging economic conditions to get your business back on the road to recovery.

OOH advertising offers a cost-efficient way to keep your brand in the public eye. It is a highly competitive platform, often providing impressive returns on investment. Small businesses, in particular, can benefit from the cost-efficiency of this type of advertising, ensuring that their marketing budgets are spent wisely.

Flexible and Adaptable

OOH advertising offers the most flexibility and adaptability to meet changing advertising needs. You can use it for special promotions, sharing company or product updates, building awareness and driving home the core message that your brand represents. In times of financial uncertainty, you will have the tools to respond promptly to business changes, market directions and customer demands.

If your business is facing tough times, chat with the Face First Media team today. We can offer practical and affordable solutions for all your out of home advertising needs to set you on the path to economic recovery in these challenging times. Now is not the time to scale back on your marketing efforts; instead, it is the time to work smarter within your budget.