How To Choose The Best OOH Placements

OOH media includes advertising tools such as wallscapes, billboards and posters. While some may consider this form of advertising ‘out of date’, you’ll be amazed at the incredible results you can achieve through OOH advertising, especially when you pay careful attention to the placement!

In this article, we’ll give you five factors to consider when it comes to OOH placements so that you can get the most return for your effort and advertising investment.


The number one thing to take into consideration is the visibility of your advertisement. It should be front-facing and preferably visible from various angles so that as many people as possible can view your message. There shouldn’t be any visible interferences such as trees, powerlines, other advertising, etc.

Expected Traffic

You want to advertise in an area where your billboard will get a lot of people passing it. Whether these are people in vehicles, pedestrians, or both. Placing billboards or posters in a quiet area will not bring you the results you’re looking for.

Your Target Market

Before deciding on placement, it would really pay off to do some market research to get to know more about your audience demographics and which areas they live in, shop in, and travel to frequently. This will give you an idea of what areas will effectively reach your ideal customers.

Rush Hour Traffic

Choosing a location that can be seen by those in rush hour traffic will definitely help boost your results as your message will be seen by a larger pool of people. Even if everyone is not your typical customer, you never know who could be looking for what you’re offering.


The last thing you need to consider is your budget. OOH advertising, especially billboards, can be expensive, so you may not be able to afford your ideal placement. It is important to compromise and find a solution that fulfils your needs as well as your budget,

Need help with your OOH campaign and OOH placements? Speak to the experts at Face First Media today, and we can ensure that the chosen placements are the most effective ones! We’d love to handle all your OOH advertising! Get in touch today.

Billboard advertising has been exceptionally popular for decades and is a highly effective tool that allows you to capture the attention of thousands of people. 

In recent years we have seen adaptations and technological improvements of the traditional printed billboard, with digital billboards increasing in popularity. But most recently, a new billboard phenomenon has been introduced and quite possibly holds the future of advertising: 3D billboards!

What Are 3D Billboards?

3D billboards incorporate some of the latest technology to create a three dimensional, often moving projection as a form of advertisement. 3D billboards are quite expensive to keep running, but through innovations and adaptations, these billboards should soon be more accessible to smaller businesses who do not have the advertising budgets of multi-million rand corporations.

What Can 3D Billboards Do?

The main appeal of 3D billboards is that they are able to create a highly realistic image as depth is created by using two different images that have been captured from two different perspectives. If you have never seen a 3D billboard in person before, you will undoubtedly be captivated ‒ even if the product being advertised is not exactly your cup of tea. They give visual pleasure and excitement to the viewer that few advertising methods have done before.

Can 3D Billboards Be Used To Advertise Any Product?

Viewers tend to respond best to 3D advertisements that have beauty and are aesthetically pleasing. Popular 3D billboard adverts have included natural imagery such as waterfalls, whales, cats and other animals. But if you work with the right advertising team, you can come up with an effective 3D component that will have an impressive impact, no matter what your product or service is.

Are 3D Billboards Available In South Africa?

3D billboards in South Africa are still very new and we do not have nearly as many as places like America, Japan and Europe. However, the technology is slowly being adopted, and we are excited to see what South African graphic designers can come up with for 3D billboard designs.

Are you interested in using 3D billboards to promote your product or service? Speak to the billboard advertising experts at Face First Media today!